Ephesus & Temple of Artemis – Ancient Wonder of the World

Ephesus is an ancient Greek and Roman city. It was one of the most important and prosperous cities in the ancient world, known for its monumental architecture, thriving economy, and cultural significance. The Terrace Houses, also known as the Terrace Villas or the Houses of the Rich, are a prominent archaeological site within Ephesus that provides insights into the daily lives of the wealthy residents of the city.

Along the Lycian Coast – Dalyan, Xanthos, Fetiye and Saklikent Gorge

The Lycian Coast, also known as the Lycian Way, refers to a stunning stretch of coastline along the southern part of Turkey, in the region historically known as Lycia. Lycia was an ancient civilization that existed in this region, and the Lycian Coast is renowned for its natural beauty, historical sites, and hiking opportunities

Aphrodisias & Laodicea – Greek and Roman Cultural Centers

The ancient city of Aphrodisias is known for its rich history, archaeological remains, and its association with the goddess Aphrodite. Early History: Aphrodisias was initially settled in the 5th millennium BCE,   prominence during the Hellenistic period. It was named after the goddess Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. The city became a… Continue reading Aphrodisias & Laodicea – Greek and Roman Cultural Centers

Bodrum – Ancient Wonder and Medieval Fortress

We visit this site on our 2024 small group tour Bodrum is located on the southwestern coast of Turkey, known for its rich history and picturesque setting. Here’s an overview of the history of Bodrum: Ancient Halicarnassus: Bodrum was originally known as Halicarnassus in ancient times. It was founded by the Dorians in the 11th… Continue reading Bodrum – Ancient Wonder and Medieval Fortress

Greek Temples of Athena and Apollo – exploring Didyma and Priene

The most prominent feature of Didyma was the Temple of Apollo, known as the Didymaion. This temple was famous for its colossal size and its elaborate decoration,

Priene was an ancient Greek city located in the region of Ionia, in modern-day Turkey. It was situated near the Maeander River and the city of Miletus. Priene is known for its well-preserved ruins that provide valuable insights into the urban planning and architecture of ancient Greek cities

Ancient Site of Pergamum – A Journey through Ancient Splendor

Ancient site of Pergamum, also known as Pergamon or Pergamos, is located in the northwest of Turkey. Its rich history spans several millennia, with significant cultural, political, and historical developments. We visit this site on our 2024 small group tour Ancient Greek Period (4th – 3rd century BCE): Pergamum was initially a part of the… Continue reading Ancient Site of Pergamum – A Journey through Ancient Splendor

Visiting the World War I Gallipoli Battlefield

 In 1915, Winston Churchill, then 1st Lord of the Admiralty, promoted an invasion of ‘Byzantium’ by way of the Dardanelles, with a joint amphibious and naval force speeding up to the Bosphorus to capture Istanbul . His aim was to cut German supply lines to the Middle East, while knocking Turkey out of the war. Nothing went as planned — bad luck, inept and even cowardly commanders had already doomed the ANZAC forces when a young officer named Mustafa Kemal (later known as Ataturk) led the counterattack that trapped the Allies on their tiny beachhead spread along the narrow peninsula.