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Cascoly blogs are eclectic — 

I grew up in New York & Connecticut. My undergraduate degree is in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry, but when I entered grad school in Eugene I discovered the outdoors, migrating to computers to stay in the PNW. Such serendipity dominates my life – most amazingly when an unexpected move to Portland led to a campfire talk after a climb that led to a research job at a primate research center where I met my wife. We shared passions for skiing, climbing, the New Yorker & NYRB, traveling, theater & chamber music concerts. While hiking in Europe we also visited the most famous museums of Europe and took several month long trips to India, Peru & SE Asia. Back home, I ran my own computer database consulting company & created some of the first multi-player online games in the 80s. After retiring I’ve emphasized my photography and travel organizing & blogging.

While climbing, hiking & ski-mountaineering over the last 50 years, I’ve skied across the Alps, climbed in Peru & led treks to Nepal (summited 21,000′ pk near Everest) later transitioning to condo-camping & downhill skiing as geezer-hood approached. By further serendipity I traveled to USSR Pamir & Caucasus in 1984 as part of exchange program sponsored by their Sports Committee. Then tramped Czechoslovakia for a month in ’90 with some Czech climbers. For last 25 yrs I’ve led hiking & other small group trips to the Balkans, Turkey & India after forming a partnership with my Turkish ‘brother’.

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