Challenge Your Brain with Unique Jigsaw Puzzles from Cascoly

A brief history of jigsaw puzzles Jigsaw puzzles have a rich history that spans centuries. They originated in the 18th century in Europe, initially as educational tools featuring maps. Craftsmen hand-cut these “dissected maps” into small pieces for children’s geography lessons. By the 19th century, puzzles evolved into entertainment for adults, with intricate designs cut… Continue reading Challenge Your Brain with Unique Jigsaw Puzzles from Cascoly

Elevated Exposures: Mount Rainier’s Challenge to Photographers and Climbers

Mount Rainier at 14,410′, is an active volcano that formed around half a million years ago. It is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region known for its high volcanic activity. Rainier is a stratovolcano, indicating its explosive potential.While Mount Rainier is considered dormant, it’s still an active volcano. The last significant eruption occurred over a thousand years ago, but scientists closely monitor the mountain for any signs of renewed activity.

Building a Microstock Tracking System – Part 2

Building a Microstock Tracking System – Part 2 Implementation — putting it together The previous blog did a needs analysis for a microstock submission tracking system and found 2 requirements: From these we developed a simple list of tasks it had to do Now we’ll first set up the spreadsheet that will handle the 2nd and… Continue reading Building a Microstock Tracking System – Part 2

Promoting Your Photography in an Ever-Changing World

So you’d like to earn some money to pay for your photography habit? First, there’s the professional route – photographing wedding, events, etc. That’s beyond my scope here. For the aspiring photographer there are several other non-exclusive paths — microstock photography, personal websites & POD (print-on-demand) sites Stock photography refers to a collection of photographs,… Continue reading Promoting Your Photography in an Ever-Changing World

Classification of Birds on Our Safari by Order

Accipitriformes is an order of birds that includes most of the diurnal birds of prey, including hawks, eagles, vultures, and kites, but not falcons. For a long time, the majority view was to include them with the falcons in the Falconiformes, but many authorities now recognize a separate Accipitriformes. Anseriformes is an order of birds… Continue reading Classification of Birds on Our Safari by Order