Photo galleries of animals seen on our African safaris
Tag: birds
Classification of Birds on Our Safari by Order
Accipitriformes is an order of birds that includes most of the diurnal birds of prey, including hawks, eagles, vultures, and kites, but not falcons. For a long time, the majority view was to include them with the falcons in the Falconiformes, but many authorities now recognize a separate Accipitriformes. Anseriformes is an order of birds… Continue reading Classification of Birds on Our Safari by Order
Scientific Names & Classifications of the Animals Sighted
Function and genetics are taken into account in taxonomy. Humans are mammals and share genetic similarity with other primates, such as apes and monkeys. In contrast to a dog’s face and paws, a human’s hands and facial features more like those of other primates. This, along with genome analysis, confirms humans share a closer connection with apes than dogs. As more genomes are decoded, some previous connections are re-classified.