The following allegedly originate from essays written byhigh school history students.. These have been around since pre-Internet days, but still amuse Warning: Avoid hot liquids while reading these pages….. Egypt The inhabitants of Egypt were called mummies. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and travelled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such… Continue reading Linguistic Lapses: Hilarious Historical Malaprops, Eggcorns, Spoonerisms and Puns
Tag: medieval
Medieval Marvels: Rhine Castles on AMAwaterways Cruises
AmaWaterways offers numerous river cruises along rivers in Europe, including the Rhine River. The Rhine River is one of the major waterways in Europe, flowing through several countries including Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. AmaWaterways river cruises let travelers explore the scenic beauty, historical sites, and cultural attractions along the Rhine without having to re-pack and change hotels every day. The only downside of a river cruise is we’re unable to visit the castles – prime encouragement for a future road trip!